Web Site Design Appearance - Putting your face on

Your first impression

Guy painting pictureThroughout this site I have put some pretty hefty emphasis on implementing written content, functionality, SEO, and usability. To any web site those concepts are what's going to sell your business. While the appearance of a web site is secondary to the aforementioned, it does have its place in contributing to a first impression of your business.

There are some statistics out there that suggest what percentage of visitors will look up a business online before ever stepping into a bricks and mortar business, but the results vary so widely that I'm not going to quote the exact stats. The fact is people do search online to learn about businesses that they have never been to before. So imagine how that first impression is going to hit potential customers. Your site could be the very first thing a customer sees about your business.



(This is a reiteration from the home page)

Aero Web Design uses CSS for layout of web pages:
"So what" you may say! Read on...

A common site building technique used for the last 10 to 15 years is obsolete, but designers are still doing it. What they do is design a mock up graphical image of a web site in Photo Shop, import it into a web site building editor, and add content from there. What this does is create a stunningly beautiful web site, but creates absolutely garbage code. It creates tables for the layout of a page, which by today's web design standards, is amateurish at best! This has many consequences, including rendering a web site almost unsearchable, increase page load time, and hinders editing elements of a page for future updates. This is NOT how to build a web site!!!
Synopsis: A beautiful site may be ugly on the inside!

Aero web sites implement the latest techniques for building a site.

This site here, why tables for layout are bad, explains in a fun and easy to understand way as to how not to build a site.


Eye Candy

Colors can be soothing, or they can make your eyes hurt. Color needs special attention when viewing them on computer monitors as opposed to paper. Logo designers spend massive amounts of time trying different color schemes to get the right combination that not only soothes the eyes, but relates to your business too.

Custom graphics can enhance user experience, not just because they appeal to your eyes, but because they can relate to the context in which they are placed. It's a relation to words and creates a visual aid to not only help your visitor understand what they are reading, but remember it too! An over abundance of graphics can clutter up your pages as well as increase download time, in which both scenarios will deviate your visitors from your objective.

We have the talent and software to create a multitude of graphics from scratch.

I'm not going to try and woo you about our capabilities and talent for making a glossy interface, as mentioned, it is secondary to us. Having said that, we can make your site beautiful, edgy, flashy, or simple, and fit the theme of your business, which contributes into keeping visitors around long enough to actually use your services or buy your goods. I think the site in which you are reading this is proof in the putting!


Proper coding techniques

Our web site coding is valid code according to the W3C Code Validation Specifications.

Valid CSS!Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional